Sorry, just have to pimp myself for a second, and thank Regina and the PI!
It seems like often times that's all I care to write about. Movies. Films, etc. Screw art, fiction, poetry. Who needs it when we have 2 hours of mindless fun approaching? A new blockbuster every week? That's right folks, it's just about time for the summer movie season!
Summer Movie Season Preview:
It's almost here-the time of year that movie buffs love to loath, but secretly salivate over-the summer blockbuster season! There are a lot of tantalizing pictures that will surely be big disappointments but I can't wait. Here's a list of the films I'm most looking forward too:
Ironman - Looks totally fun! I'm pleased to see Robert Downey JR in this role too-he's a great actor and I'm sure will make this movie great
Speed Racer- the Matrix Brothers (Warjoski-sp??) are responsible for this. The film looks like nothing I have ever seen before-like a film version of Sonic The Hedgehog. It looks visually dazzling. I may have to go to IMAX to see this.
Indiana Jones 4 - I hope the script is good
Batman-The Dark Night - Everyone is going to turn out for this requiem to Ledger. Strange, but with the painted face of the Joker, gloomy setting, and death of Heath, I'm getting flashbacks from The Crow. Of course the Crow borrowed from Tim Burton's Batman-so it all ties together. And Heath didn't actually die while filming. But still, it's kind of eerie.
The Incredible Hulk - Can't say that I'm all that thrilled for this one...but Ed Norton, who knows...maybe it will be good.
Plus, we've got X-Files 2, Hancock, Wanted, Hell-Boy 2, Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay, Tropic Thunder, and no doubt a lot of other stuff I'm not thinking of. Maybe even some really good films.
Remember when superhero movies were just for kids? Like all of the 80s? I'm glad those days are over.
Devotchka - A Mad and Faithful Telling A lot of brilliant bands like Devotchka seem to write more and more accessible albums as their popularity grows. I'm not sure what that is all about-but I think it has a little bit to do with how they started off their careers...that is if they came from basically underground and had to develop a huge fan base, that has grown with each album, like Devotchka has, then they get kind more-and-more mainstream. But in that people become familiar with their music and their music becomes more poppy and easy to listen to. This new album, while very nice and strong, is a prime example of this trend. It is a good album, but like the most recent albums of Modest Mouse, Death Cab For Cutie, and others, it is kind of a light version of the band. Devotchka Light, though, is still better than a lot of other crap out there. 3.5 Molos
Funny, bands that start out really successfully from the get-go often do the opposite-they become stranger and more experimental as they make albums, not unlike say Pearl Jam. I guess it all has to do with making a living.
Gone Baby Gone - Directed by none other than Ben Affleck and starring his brother, Casey, who is fast becoming on of the strongest actors of his generation. This is a good movie, full of energy and care. The story is intentionally uneven, refreshingly actually. It feels a bit like the under-the-radar Jack Nicholson film The Pledge, if you happen to be one of the few who saw that movie. Gone definitely makes my top 10 list from 2007 and I'm curious to see where Ben Affleck goes with his career from here. 3.5 Molos
1 Molo is not good
5 Molos is amazing