I caught the show at Western Bridge the other day, Light seeking Light/Untitled (a brink if infinity), which essentially is a bunch of work, some of which is rotating, from the collection that is up this winter. I shall not go into great detail here, but I'd say you should got check it out. It's worth it to see the piece by Anthony McCall (Pictured above). McCall's work is not smart, clever, or unique-it reminds me a great deal of going to see laser shows at the Science Center when I was in high school-that smell, of the smoke machine. Such an odd smell, kind of a good smell, but what exactly is that substance? In any case, the work really is just a nicely done laser show. Simple, elegant, and peaceful. Worth a look.
There are several other strong works in the show worth seeing. I wasn't all that interested in the centerpiece of the show: Mary Tempel's faux shadow wall painting. It's a clever trick, and well executed, but the imagery wasn't interesting or visually pleasing enough for me to have more than a simple-hey you fooled me for a second-type of reaction.
3 Molos
I haven't been hearing a lot of new stuff yet this year, but the kids are all way into the new Animal Collective record, and I have given it a listen myself, and I actually like it a lot better than previous efforts of the band. It falls into that kind of multi/eclectic instrumental noise mess indie rock, like say, Broken Social Scene. Done well, though, and with a stronger sense of purpose this time around. It's called Merriweather Post Pavilion. 3.5 Molos
New Vetiver comes out this week, I'm sure that will be a lovely album.
I think you're too hard on Jesse James. I agree, the pacing is tough. Especially when you go in expecting a hard-hitting western. But I think it does amazing stuff. Despite that--I'm glad you're blogging again!
Well, if they had cut away about...1 hour, and gotten rid of the voice-over, I might have enjoyed the film.
For the record, I did not expect a hard-hitting western, by any means. I can dig a slow movie. Hell I really enjoyed "Gerry", and that movie is just 2 guys walking in the desert, lost, for like nearly 2 hours. Also featuring Casey Afflect.
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