The Oscars are only a couple weeks away and with Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin hosting I'm actually kind of excited to watch 'em for a change.
So, here's my pics. Feel free to steal from my list for your office pool:
Best Picture:
The Hurt Locker will win-my cynicism makes me think that Avatar will run away with it, that no movie as small as the Hurt Locker with as little earnings would ever win...but the Oscars have a new weird system of voting and this might favor The Hurt Locker.
Best Actor:
Jeff Bridges will win. I love Jeff Bridges, but honestly I'd give it to Jeremy Renner, that kid sold that movie in a much more subtle role.
Best Actress:
Sandra Bullock will win, which is baffling but true. I don't know who should win cause I haven't seen any of the movies on this list!
Best Supporting Actress: Mo'Nique will win. Mostly because the 2 up in the Air Actresses will split votes, Cruz wont win for a singing role...Maggie has a shot though, she's my pick of the lot. And still has the most sexy mouth in all of showbiz. There I said it.
Best Director:
Kathryn Biglow. It's way too good of a story for the first female director to win an Oscar by beating out her ex-husband for anyone not to vote for her! And she is the best.
I didn't see any of the new Documentaries listed, yet...so I shouldn't comment on them.
Best Animated will go to Up. Duh.
Original Screenplay: Tarantino has to win something...
Oh, I forgot Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz for sure! That guy was amazing. I have a soft spot for Woody, but Christoph deserves it.
Adapted Screenplay: Prob will go to the Up in the Air pair.
Art Direction: Nine.
Hurt Locker will get cimenatography, probably
Animated and live action shorts? who knows.
Visual Effects: Avatar. Costumes: Nine. Editing? I don't know how they decide this one ever.
Sound: The Hurt Locker. Sound Editing: Mr Fox! Why not? Original score: Mr Fox for fun! Original song: The Weary Kind from Crazy Heart. Makeup: oh...let's go with II Divo.
There you go folks!
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