I recommend seeing all these shows this month: Chauney Peck @ Soil, Jennifer Campbell @ 4Culture, You're So Cool @ OHGE, and, of course, Meet Greet Rinse Repeat @ Monarch Contemporary

Sharon Arnold and friend in front of one of Chauney Pecks work at SOIL

Troy Gua and Collaborati Robert Hardgrave

Collaborati Cristin Ford posing coyly next to her work

Collaborati Chris Sheridan "posing" next to his glyph

I caught Joey Veltkamp as he bounced between shows gathering nominees for the City Arts Art Walk Awards later at the Hideout

Yay, what an awesome collection of images! :D
what an *awesome* collection of shots, bravo! :D
What a great recap, Ryan!
Thanks guys! (sorry I took so long to "approve" - I need to change a setting on here or something)
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