This is a quick hit blog, because I have not been keeping you all informed of all the rumors, gossip, and general happenings of my life. Or just observances in general.
RIP: The Crocodile Cafe! Up and closed it's doors overnight a few days ago. I saw a lot of great shows at the Croc through the years (The Wrens, Local H, Black Mountain, are a few that pop into mind) and I'm terribly sorry to see this Seattle staple eating up by the Man.
I'm sure it was the Man. Probably the same Man who killed that block of Pine where the Cha Cha was.
Fat Tiger had a wonderful December first Thursday. I don't have time to recount the evening, but I had a lot of great conversations, and the mood was just delightful. Now if I can only figure out a way to kick out my psycho-neighbor all will be grand down there. That's a long story-but if for some reason I go missing, send the cops to 619 western to speak to Eddie.
The holiday show of that same weekend was a lot more low-key, but nice as well. I even sold some work.
Okay, this blog is beginning to sound like I'm just telling ya'll what happened to me over the last few weeks, but in a general and uninteresting way. SO let me just get on to the reviews and I'll try to come back with better stories in later blogs.
I am Legend - Many of you know about my love for all things apocalyptic, so you wont be surprised that I caught this flick on opening night. It's good. The first 2/3 are especially interesting. Some parts of the film, especially later on, needed to be dealt with differently, but without giving too much away, I was pretty impressed and enjoyed the movie. I was disappointed with some rather poorly integrated CGI shots though. What ever happened to movie make-up? 3 Molos
Speaking of Apocalyptic stories...with the success of No country for Old Men, do you think Hollywood will tackle Cormac McCarthy's The Road soon? That could be amazing. And depressing as hell.
The Golden Compass - I was also entertained by this film and I must note that I have not read the books. I was entertained in the way that any fantasy spectacle that any amount of money and effort goes into is always fun fair. It's really not a well done movie at all. The story is disjointed, the film has a lot of rough cuts and hints at a lot of story that I'm sure was fleshed out in the books but we get the very short version of. It was a cartoon. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a cartoon. So I didn't mind it so much. But I could see how the story might actually be interesting, on film, if handled with cojones. I guess they were too afraid of offending too many people so didn't excite anyone. 2 Molos
Spoiler Alert: In the Golden Compass...there is a Polar Bear fight scene when one bear knocks off the jaw of another! Talk about random delightful and absurd fun...I mean i didn't know if I should laugh or cheer. Really, though, they needed to have a spray of blood go spurting, that would have sold it for all those kiddies out there watching this silliness.
The Third Man - Netflixed this classic film, and yes it is good. Orsen Welles has this magic when he appears on screen that is mesmerizing. The movie, overall, is quite interesting and fun, and keeping in mind it's history and such, certainly a classic. I really liked it when the lead got snubbed at the end by the girl. 4 Molos
Sorry folks, all for now.
Top 10 Flicks that I have seen, 2007:
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Grindhouse
3. Superbad
4. Eastern Promises
5. Before the Devil Knows You are Dead
6. American Gangster
7. Zodiac
8. 300
9. I am Legend
10. The Host
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Grindhouse
3. Superbad
4. Eastern Promises
5. Before the Devil Knows You are Dead
6. American Gangster
7. Zodiac
8. 300
9. I am Legend
10. The Host
Top Musical releases that I have heard, 2007:
1. Radiohead In Rainbows
2. Kings of Leon Because of the Times
3. The White Stripes Icky Thump
4. LCD Sound System Sound of Silver
5. Imperial Teen The Hair, the TV, the Baby, the Band
6. Silversun Pickups Carnavas
7. Busdriver Road Kill Overcoat
8. Interpol Our Love to Admire
9. The Arcade Fire Neon Bible
10. Grinderman Grinderman
11. Explosions in the Sky All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
12. Two Gallants Two Gallants
13. The Cave Singers Invitation Songs
14. Albert Hammond Jr. Yours To Keep
15. Film School Hideout
16. Talib Kweli Eardrum
17. Devandra Banhart Smoke Rolls Down Thunder Canyon