Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hollywood's Original Ideas

Caught Fast and Furious last night, and it was just about as good and entertaining as one could hope for. If one is a fan of half-assed racing action movies, which I am. Vin Diesel is still charming but I fear his days may be numbered. Seems like the folds in the back of his neck are getting bigger and bigger, while his Hollywood star starts to fade. May be I'm off base but so it goes. I wish Hollywood had gotten more out of him-given him better action movies to work with, but a las, it was not meant to be. We'll always have Pitch Black. 2.5 Molos

I hope to stay up on good, smaller pictures as they are released in the theaters this year, so that you all, dear readers, may hear here first, if they are any good, but probably I'll just end up going to all the big schlock movies, and save the good movies for DVD. So expect reviews of Crank 2, Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator, and the like in the coming months...although I promise a glowing review of Where The Wild Things are!

I mean doesn't that just look wonderful?? Spike Jonze is all I had to hear. I'm super excited.


Quick reviews

The new POS album is tight, great indie rap. Very nice. Plus Andy is on the hidden track. probably 4 Molos, but it needs some more listening.

Same goes for the new Doves Record. 4 Molos for certain, but partly that's just cause I LOVE THE DOVES! I need to sit with it more.

My friend Colby turned me on to Chad Vangaalen's Soft Airplane (Sub Pop) which came out last year. I think he described it best when he said it was like Neil Young filtered through indie electronic pop-rock. Plus there is a nice line which references Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that won me over. It's good. Easy good listening. 3.5 Molos

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