Friday, July 30, 2010

Thank you!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers over the last couple years.  I might not have the readership of say...Jezebel...but I'm proud that I've accumulated 5000+ site visits!  In the coming year I hope to increase the frequency of my posting, and develop stronger content.  Additionally, thanks for bearing with me as I contribute to the City Arts Blog in addition to Molo's Sketchbook!  I know it's a little weird to be directed from here to there at times, but I appreciate everyone who does.  I believe that the City Arts Blog (the CAB) has the potential to become a unified and comprehensive online community arts resource  more expansive and thorough then anything currently out there for Seattle.

Thanks again, and check out my latest posting on the CAB , about The Off Hours Reading Series.  

with respect,

Ryan Molenkamp

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