Saturday, January 15, 2011

Molorazzi hits January BLITZ + Mandy Greer

Thursday night brought another excellent batch of shows on the hill and the Molorazzi was out!  Once again, I ended up shooting more pics of art than people, but hey, as Bobby Brown says, it's my prerogative.  So here's some pics:

 Here we have a couple of dark, poor shots of Julie Alpert's installation at The Living Room, called Motivation Graph.  I really enjoy these simple, clean watercolors Julie is doing - they create an interesting dialog with her more involved installation pieces (if you are familiar with her work).  Good stuff, I look forward to seeing them in daylight.

After hanging out at Julies show, we headed up to Ghost Gallery to see Ecotone:

 This installation by Mary Elise Bolam, Bucks I have Fucked, is sensational.

Each of the t-shirts in hand sewn in the chest hair patterns of past "suitors" (suitors being the term sewn on each label, e.g. "Suitor 7")   Fantastic!   One of the shirts even has the suitor's tattoos sewn on as well.  

 Michael Alm next to his sculpture.  There is something very frightening about this piece.  Unnerving.  This is good. 

Jody Joldersma's paintings brought a lot of creepy humor to the show.

 This is a terrible photo of the feather pattern work by Jess Rees.  It does not do justice to this work at all.  Jess is going in an interesting direction here, I'm curious to see where it leads her...

 And finally, we have one of the landscapes by Joey Bates.  A hand burned!  (thank you for the correction Michael!) piece on raw wood, also, I did not get good lighting, sorry Joey!  Nice work though!

 Michael Alm and artist Kendal Tull-Esterbrook

Artist Jess Rees sans glasses

After Ecotone, I went to check out Jesse Higman doing live painting at Vermillion at his show Illuvium
but got there too late, so I checked out a couple of the open art studios on the block and headed to the Unicorn!  Oh, and caught some live painting at the Artifakt DJ/Art show in The Loft...and yes, the live painting was occurring on the naked torsos of 2 attractive women.  I do not have any pictures of this, sorry.

an then, on Friday:


I caught Mandy's excellent show at Roq la Rue, she hit another one out of the park!  Check here for a previous post on Mandys BAM show a couple years back.  I forgot to bring my good camera to this show, so all i got was a few lousy cell phone pics of her amazing mirror walled room installation with the gold chandelier in the middle.  This show is effing great, everyone should go see it.  Mandy continues to churn out some of the strongest work in Seattle. 


Michael said...

Joey's piece isn't laser cut, it's hand burned... He's just that good. Love the comments Ryan!

Molo said...

Ooops! I knew better than to have guessed at the method w/no research...thanks Michael and sorry Joey!